The queen of Fashion Revulotion in Malmö.

This lively person to whom I sometimes demand to have blank face for a photo is Kim. I have shared photos of her previously, but this time let's talk about Fashion Revolution. Not about the event, yes, there is a FR week this April and Kim will post about it on her instagram : So follow up!
But what I mean is that I think she has influenced the fashion air in Malmö since she has moved here for the MA studies at Malmö Högskola. Why? Well, it is seemingly noticeable that more and more sustainability projects&events are raising up around Malmö. Kim also brought her&friends created clothing business to Malmö from Germany! VinoKilo vintage market was happening in March.
Especially the second hand shop shopping, friend-girl cloth swaps and becoming a member at SwopShop (I volunteer there now and then) have become more popular according to my social media observation skills (I know I should read a book when bored than scroll instagram). Which is GREAT! The society becomes more aware of Questions on how to live better? Recently also the Zero waste Malmö shop became world famous - Gram Malmö, so, food sustainability also is becoming important, about which I could talk a lot, as it is my personal interest and everyday living. Anyway. Fashion.
Since end of March and until now - mid April, there have been several "cloth exchange" or "Klädbytardag" events in Malmö. And one more is coming up at the local Swop Shop on 8&9th April - Bring Your Own Bag! Can read about it more here(click). I like the slogan : SWAP INSTEAD OF SHOP Clothing swap, 2017, which some clothing swap events have used. It is great idea and this works out amazingly! If still a
If you are not convinced that it's a great solution to another waste problem in the world, then maybe this update from the latest clothing swop event will give you some thought:
780 garments found new owners! Big thank you to everyone who has been with during klädbytardagen 2017. Instead to buy new so we change clothes and saved 624 000 litres of water, 93 kg of chemicals and mass transport. Go us!! Sharing is caring:-) (c) Naturskyddsföreningen MalmöSo, one another slow fashion event in Malmö this weekend, and hopefully that will change the way people shop for new fashion. What happens in your country and city? Maybe it is time you organize something in your own village/town/city/country? :)
And photos of Kim wearing all her burrowed, exchanged, second hand shopped, vintage shopped or so, but not bought! Inspiring! Follow up Kim's social media, you can even send her Qs on her website about slow fashion.

Kim's blog:
Kim's instagram:
Our collobration previously:
Malmö SwopShop:
Green options Malmö:
Naturskyddsföreningen Malmö:
Zero waste shop Gram Malmö:
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