Midsummer in swedish countryside. // Nomad notes.

As a newbie in this community, everything seemed exciting. So much energy all around and so much new impressions... It was a lot to take in as at the end of the 3-day festival I fell asleep for hours. It all began on Wednesday when activities began - people who were behind arrived and started preparations, and volunteers. Back then I lived on this farm as a woofer for a month. This festival was my last days there and I left straight away. Suddenly the next day on Thursday a lot more people arrived. It was already a festive atmosphere. I was confused why on Thursday, then I learnt that in Sweden they celebrate on Friday. That year it was on 21st of June, and I believed that Sweden is so cool - they celebrate on actual solstice date not like in Latvia 23&24th always. Haha! My mistake, later I learnt it's always just on a Friday.
Now looking back on my diary notes, I have not written much as it was so many new impressions that sitting down by computer either did not seem a priority I was too exhausted. But few sentences from back then:
Midsummer in Sweden. While in Sweden, I am wrapped up and hiding in a blanket, editing photos, drinking coffee, enjoying Sunday the 23rd, meanwhile in Latvia it is Midsummer day and everyone is enjoying and partying today while in Sweden we just cleaned up the last midsummer mess. I had the best midsummer in my life so far, no, maybe 1996 midsummer was the best, I was 7 and we had a lot of guests and it was fun all night! But... WOW, experiencing Midsummer in Sweden was an interesting new experience of observation and learning about this country's roots. A lot was new to me, as in Latvia we celebrate or what I know is different. The same meaning, traditions but expressed and done in a different way.
It started with little stress - responsibilities, taking care, helping out, etc, but finished it with a falling asleep in the sunshine on the field. Today I feel in my feet that I have danced and enjoyed the night very well, I'm exhausted (Ricardo said he has never seen me THIS tired)… and I'm just.. just full of peace. I don't know how to say thank you to everyone who made this beautiful event and everybody who was here to make it even happen so great! This was amazing!
One interesting observation... Nights areyou indeed really short in Sweden comparing to Latvia. It was dark only 5 minutes, when suddenly it was light again... We danced all morning until sunrise which we went into meadow to sit down and welcome....
And again - it was all about the people. All of us together created this atmosphere... I don't know if anyone saw it differently and I had very rose-tinted glasses on, but I hope many felt the same way.
If you click here, you can see and read more in detailed story from my first midsummer experience in Sweden. Photos as snapshots from phone and notes from my diary + memory.

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