mothers&daughters weekend. // Latvian friluftsliv.

mothers&daughters weekend. // Latvian friluftsliv. 2011.
In the modern world with this always too busy lifestyle to enjoy life, I often so often hear my friends when I meet them one to one to Swedish called a thing "fika", saying the same about "life now is so different". Meaning, they don't see their girlfriends and friend group that often as used to, or does not even talk anymore, or think why to bother, nobody cares, or last time they met all the closest friends was the wedding day, and so on and on. And this is something I have had a hard time to understand. In my adult life in Malmö, I have been struggling with, running into a depression of this alone thing people do. Distant away and only are chatting with their online "friends" or couple-up. Yes, it's nice and great to spend time with your loved one, but you have all your life to be on your secret moments together, meanwhile life has given you also such wonderful other people with who you can laugh and share moments among to create beautiful memories... it feels like nowadays we are raising up anti-social children, if parents all they do is only spending time with each other. And I have heard from so many 50+ and 70+ age people, giving me, the young one, a life advice: "give your focus to outside family members too". I think it is only healthy to create more close friendships. Of course, your husband/wife and kids and other family members will be the priority, but if you don't understand what am I talking about, then this is not for you :D I know for sure I can talk to my man about all my trouble and inner world thoughts, but the best will understand me is another woman.I simply grow up in a very social family. They had friends over often, we celebrated events&life big! Every summer our relatives from far away visited. They came as a huge group of 3-15 people (sometimes)! And we also managed to have our own weekend escapes that I remember days being at home or days when after breakfast we were off on a day trip just us or visiting friends/relatives, it was in balance. As an introvert in the extrovert family...yes, it sometimes was tough for me, but as these family friends were close to my parents, then my introvert nature felt safe and open. It was not strangers all the time. But if they were, then I was hiding, until I adapted to the new energy and came out to say hi. Seriously, not joking :D My family was used to it that I suddenly "vanished".
Anyway, with these thoughts... I hope I am able to give some part of this to my future kids&family too. To introduce the world through people.
Since childhood every summer at least 1-2 times we had this kind of family friend nature escapes. I cherish in my memory this the most. This time, in 2011, we all kids were already grown-ups and could enjoy a glass of rose with our mums and laugh, sing, chat and play card games... Ahh, nevermind I am just a big nerd for coming together in this anti-social (it's not even introvert modern society)! People often misunderstood what means "anti-social" and "introvert-ism". Anyway, just enjoy the photos.... and call your mum or best friend/closest friends, or both, and go for a weekend trip together.
P.s. And that's a total nightmare to think "they don't care", they think the same and of course they care. We have this wonderful digital time given to live - to stay in contact! So do it! Stop netflixing when could skypcalling :)))))

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